Gender Neutral Waxing.

Hot Waxing (Non-Strip Wax).

Hot waxing is essential for a great intimate wax. Hot (or non-strip) waxing involves applying the wax over an oil and removing it without the need for a strip. The wax shrink wraps the hair but without pulling the skin. Any pain is hugely REDUCED and the treatment is really quite comfortable to receive.

We use hot waxing on all sensitive areas including lip, chin and face, underarm and intimate areas (bikini).

Intimate Waxing.

Sam has been offering intimate waxing since 1999 where she learnt the treatment in Sydney using the hot waxing technique. Back then it was quite a niche service in the UK and frequently had clients travelling from as far a Bristol for the service. Nowadays the removal of most of our pubic hair is certainly the “norm” and generally starts in late teens.

Sam is also an educator for Axiom Wax Academy - the leading Male Intimate Waxing Training provider in the UK and offers this service in-clinic.

Trained by Sam, Hannah and Lesley are both intimate waxing experts also and offer this treatment at The Beauty Guru

Both are super quick and we always welcome our clients going to either therapist.

Sam now teaches this technique nationally and holds seminars at Trade Shows with live demonstrations. Sam also comments in press articles and is a recognised voice in the waxing industry.


Why Wax? And Why You Shouldn't Shave.

This is a no-brainer for us. Waxing removes hair by the root, resulting in monthly visits for upkeep and no need to shave daily. Skin is softer and although ingrown hairs can still happen they are greatly reduced v. shaving. The treatment takes us on average 10-20 minutes (Sam’s record is 9mins!) and we have never had a client say it was worse than they imagined. 

In fact most newbies get themselves so worked up for nothing. 99% of clients leave saying “It wasn’t as a bad as I imagined”. It is incredibly rare that someone doesn’t return. Shaving cause micro tears in the skin, razor bumps, rashes, sores and worse ingrown hairs. Ditch that razor!

The Positions.

Let us say this firstly WE DON’T DO ALL FOURS!  There are other ways to remove the hair that don’t have to involve undignified positions.

You will start with your feet together and knees out - like a frog, sometimes we get you to hold your knees to your chest and lastly you pop on your side in the foetal position. We like to use the same position a doctor does to examine that area so you simply lie on your side.

Lastly, we don’t start with your bum. We like to get to know you first before that bit.

The Products and Wax.

We use top wax and products. The products are vegan, SLS free, mineral oil free and paraben free. We don’t use talc. Ever.


We always wear gloves and never double dip the spatula during hot waxing. We use disposable couch covers and clean bed paper. You will also have an individually wrapped intimate wipe ready to freshen up before the treatment.

Tools are correctly sanitised and sterilised but we rarely need to use our tweezers.


Q. Can I get waxed on my period?

A. Of course you can! Just wear a clean tampon and tuck the string up inside you out of the way. Alternatively Mooncups are awesome for waxing (and great for the environment!).

Q. Can I get waxed when pregnant?

A. Yes of course you can! Some people prefer to avoid the first trimester (we would always avoid if you have had any previous complications).

You may feel a little more sensitive and we will position you differently as you get bigger.

Q. How long does the hair need to be?

A. About a cm+ but from shaving allow 2-3 weeks for a decent growth.

Q. Will there be any stubble in-between?

A. If you are new to waxing yes. This is unavoidable as although we can get all the surface hairs (minus ingrown and ones 1mm long!). We cannot control the hairs that are growing under the skin (new growth) . However after a couple of months all the follicles will have their growth cycle reset and there shouldn’t be much at all.

Q. I’m Non-Binary. Which intimate wax shall I book for?

Just book for whichever treatment best describes you. For AFAB book Brazilian/Hollywood and for AMAB book Intimate Waxing 45mins. If you aren’t sure just book for any and pop some notes on to let us know the anatomy we will work on. This is so we have enough time, and also only Sam and Lesley are trained to wax scrotums.

Q. Will it hurt?

A. This depends on how you are feeling and your pain threshold. In 21 years we have had to stop on 1 client. Pre-menstrual, hungover and stressed states can affect sensitivity. If you find areas painful there are some breathing techniques we can do to help. Most people don’t even flinch, especially with hot waxing.

Q. What should I avoid before coming?

A. Sunbeds aren’t a good idea 48hrs before. Also please don’t trim – we do that for you on the day. A great tip though is to exfoliate the front (Pubic Mound) a couple of days before to help release any short or ingrown hairs. Applying layer of an ingrown serum daily will also help prevent them.

Q. What about after? Can I go to the gym?

A. We are afraid not for 24-48 hrs depending on your skin sensitivity. Also any heat treatments, swimming, self tan, and friction are to be avoided.  Apply Ingrown Serum after 48 hrs daily and also apply Comfort Balm  –  a post wax soothing cream and ingrown prevention.

The best post wax advice is to keep the skin "Cool, Calm and Clean"

Q. I’m pre-op Trans - what intimate wax shall I book for?

A. If you are M2F without Gender Affirming Lower Surgery please book for Intimate Wax, if you are F2M without lower surgery, then just book Brazilian/Hollywood.