

Medical microneedling is used to treat scars, acne scars, lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks and to improve skin texture and tighten the skin.

The device has fine needles that create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which triggers the body’s healing process.

What can it treat?
Needling is used to treat scarring, especially scarring caused by acne. Traditionally, this type of scarring has been very difficult to treat but the needles are used to break up the tethering in the scar, which results in less indentation and greater smoothness on the surface of the skin.

Needling stimulates the body’s natural healing powers and gives the scar a second chance to repair itself – without surgery or lasers.

What is the downtime?
Typically the healing time depends on the severity of the damaged skin and the depth of the procedure. Most commonly there may be some redness that resembles mild sunburn. This may last for 2-4 days. Most patients may have the redness dissipate within 24 hours.